





Please login to the account that you used to purchase your license, where you can use the Manage License Usage option to Remove the previous computer registration. Your license key will then be available for use again.

もし、あなたが ログインしてライセンスの購入時に使用したアカウントにログインし、[ライセンス使用状況の管理]ポップアップの[ブロック]オプションを使用した場合ポップアップでブロックオプションを使用すると、ブロックされたPCでのライセンスの使用が永久に禁止されます。






If your PC is offline from the internet, you will need to enter your offline license instead of your regular license key. Alternatively, you can contact our Support team to request an offline license file.


If your PC is connected to the internet, it may just be temporary problem so try again in a few minutes. If the problem continues, it may be because your firewall is blocking your app from connecting to the license server, in which case you will need to add an exception to your firewall for our licence server at regsys.ws.bbconsult.co.uk.

If you are trying one of our products that allows a free trial, a trial license will automatically download when you run your app for the first time so you do not need to enter one yourself.


The exception to this is if you are using a PC that does not have an internet connection. For an offline trial license key, please contact our Support team.

まだ答えをお探しですか?ヘルプセンターをご覧いただくか お問い合わせサポート。