
About Us

The applications available for download and purchase on this website are developed by Blueberry Software Ltd.


Our head office is at 205 Scott House, The Custard Factory, Gibb Street, Birmingham, B9 4AA. The registered address is 205 Scott House, The Custard Factory, Gibb Street, Birmingham, B9 4AA.


If you believe that Blueberry Software has not adhered to this Statement or you have any other comment, please contact Blueberry Software at [email protected]


Blueberry 软件公司制作了本隐私声明,以表明我们对尊重您的隐私和个人信息的承诺。下面的政策概述了我们可能收集的信息以及我们如何使用这些信息。


Our Applications


Flashback Pro, Flashback Express, Camigo and Flashback Video Converter optionally collect information about your use of the application in order to improve the functionality and usability of the Software. This information is not personally identifiable and will not be shared with any external organization – it is used only to better understand how the application’s features are used, to aid and inform decisions relating to product development. The sending of usage data can be disabled by options on the ‘Privacy’ tab of the application settings window.



Users that experience problems with our applications have the option of sending log files to Blueberry in order to assist us in diagnosing and solving the issue. The log files contain only information about the execution of the application and no personally identifiable data. Log files are only sent in response to users selecting the Problem Reporting feature in the application user interface and are not sent automatically.


Use of the Youtube Upload function
Flashback makes use of the Youtube Client API. By using the Youtube Upload function in Flashback and uploading videos to the Youtube service, users are subject to the Youtube privacy policy. You can read it here:



To revoke consent for Flashback to upload videos to your Youtube account, visit the link below and remove access: 






我们对cookies的使用 和许多网站一样,我们使用被称为 "cookies "的文本文件来收集信息,这有助于我们为客户提供有用的功能。我们也可以使用这些cookies来保存您的会话,以便您在每次访问我们的网站时无需重新输入,并记录您访问网站的频率和您访问的区域。Cookies本身并不能识别用户的个人身份,尽管它们可以识别用户的计算机。如果你愿意,你可以将你的浏览器设置为拒绝cookies,但是,如果你这样做,你可能无法充分利用我们的网站。


Will Blueberry sell my personal information to other companies?
No. Blueberry Software will not give or sell your personal information to any outside organisation for that organisation’s own use without your consent.


Blueberry 如果法律要求,或出于善意的考虑,软件公司可能会在以下情况下披露个人信息:a)符合法律规定;b)保护和捍卫本网站或网站用户的权利或财产;c)在保护本网站用户或本网站用户或其他用户的人身安全所必需的情况下,软件公司可能会披露个人信息。


财务信息 我们仅在必要时使用从您处收集到的财务信息,以便为您通过网站购买的产品和服务开具发票。这时,我们可能会收集唯一的识别信息,以验证您的身份。


安全性 本网站采取了安全措施来保护我们所控制的信息的丢失、滥用和篡改,并且我们收集的个人信息被储存在安全的操作环境中,不向公众开放。




Data Processing Agreement (DPA)

The information collected by applications and this website is processed under the basis of Article 6(1)(f) – legitimate interest, of the EU general data protection regulation 2016/679 (GDPR). These regulations provide you with rights to request access to the information we hold about you, to request rectification of the information we hold about you, to erase the data we hold about you, to object to the processing of your information, and to lodge a complaint with the UK Information Commissioner’s Office.


We use data storage services provided by Amazon and email services provided by Microsoft. The data is physically held within the European Union and is not transferred outside the European Union. Data will not be used for the purpose of automated decision making.


To enquire further about this statement, please reach us at [email protected].