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FAQs for Flashback Video Converter
Vad menar du med en livstidslicens?
Use the purchased version of FlashBack Video Converter, forever. You’ll get updates that include bugfixes and improvements, but not major upgrades.
Är mina betalningar säkra?
Ja. Dina betalningsuppgifter behandlas av Braintree, en av världens främsta betalningsbehandlare. Vi behandlar inte eller lagrar kreditkort eller Paypal-kontouppgifter.
Can I install FlashBack Video Converter on multiple PCs with one license?
If you buy a single user license, this can only be installed on one PC. If you need to move the license from one PC to another, uninstall FlashBack Video Converter from the first PC before installing it on the second. If you need to run the app on more than one PC, you can buy multiple licenses on the checkout page.
Vad händer efter att jag har betalat?
We’ll send you your full license key by email. You can enter this into FlashBack Video Converter to immediately license the application.